

This API resource allows your plugin to find out the details of merged spawners, which are created by MergedSpawner plugin. If you’re a plugin developer, you can add this resource in your dev environment to add the integration of MergedSpawner function into your plugin without purchasing MergedSpawner.

Using maven repository

MergedSpawnerAPI is hosted on TeamVK’s public maven repository and you can reference it in your dev environment.


Here is an example of a fragment of the script you can add to your build.gradle.

plugins {
    id "com.github.unafraid.gradle.git-repo-plugin" version ""
    id "java"
    id "maven-publish"

// this will allow you to use github() to specify the github hosted maven repository
apply plugin: "com.github.unafraid.gradle.git-repo-plugin"

repositories {
    github("teamvk", "maven-repository", "origin", "master", "release")

dependencies {
    // ... other dependencies
    compile group: 'org.spigotmc', name: 'spigot', version: spigot_version
    compile group: 'com.vk2gpz.mergedspwner', name: 'MergedSpawenrnAPI', version: '12.4.8'
    // ... other dependencies


Here is an example of a fragment of the script you can add to your pom.xml.

        <!-- TeamVK -->


        <!-- MergedSpawner -->

API Documentation


It would be greatly appreciated for your donation to continue providing support for this plugin.