TokenEnchant's main public information site.
All Custom Enchantment (CE) in TokenEnchant can have the following config options. If they are not listed in CE’s config, the default value will be used.
enabled: (default = true) If this option is set to ‘false’, TE won’t register this CE.
cooldown: (default = 0) The cooldown value in second.
cooldown_message: (default = “”) The message displayed to warn the cooldown.
conflict_with: The list of enchantments which conflict with this enchantment.
allowed_items: (default = “*”) The list of item types, which can have this enchantment.
event_map: (no default) If the enchantment is activated based on events, you can specify the event listener’s level
permission: (default = null) If this is specified, this permission node is used to either enchantment or use of this enchantment.
permission_mode: (default = “ENCHANT”) This flag indicates how the permission node is used (either for enchanting or for using the enchantment).
enchant_chance: (default = “DefaultEnchantChance: 1.0” from TE’s config.yml) The chance of a successful enchantment process.
description: (default = the name of the enchantment) The brief description of this enchantment.
occurrence: (default = “random”) The chance of this enchantment being executed at the “max” enchantment level. “always”, “random” or a number between 0.0 and 1.0 are premitted.
occurrence_min: (default = 0.0) This value is used in computing the chance of execution in the occurrence formula.
max: (default = 100) The maximum enchantment level. The default is the value specified in “MaxEnchantLevel:” option in TE’s config.yml.
max_merge_level: (default = ‘max’) The maximum enchantment level you can achieve through the merging process with the anvil.
price: (default = Double.MAX_VALUE) The base price/cost of the enchantment. (from the level 0 to level 1).
invalid_in_world: The list of worlds where you cannot use the enchantment
enabled_world: The list of worlds where you can use the enchantment
invalid_in_region: The list of WorldGuard regions where you cannot use the enchantment
enabled_region: The list of WorldGuard regions where you can use the enchantment
alias: The alternative name. It supports color codes
old_aliases: if you change the alias, you should list the previous aliases here so that old lore entries can be fixed.
item_target: (default = “ALL”) The target of the enchantment (inherited from Bukkit’s Enchantment class)
duration: (default = “DefaultEnchantDuration:” from TE’s config.yml) If the enchantment effect uses a potion effect, this defines the duration of the potion effect.
duration_multiplier: (default = 1) The multiplier factor to adjust the duration of the potion effect.
refund_rate: (default = “RefundRate: 1” from TE’s config.yml) The rate being applied to the refunding. If this value is -1, the refund is not permitted.
cost_formula: (defualt = “DefaultFormula: linear_diff” from TE’s config.yml) The name of the javascript function from Costformulae.js
cooldown_formula: (default = “DefaultCooldownFormula: constant” from TE’s config.yml) The name of the javascript function from CooldownFormulae.js
occurrence_formula: (default = “DefaultOccurrenceFormula: linear” from TE’s config.yml) The name of the javascript function from OccurrenceFormulae.js
availabilities: availabilities of this enchant (NONE, TREASURE, ENCHANTMENT_TABLE, LOOT, VILLAGER, FISHING, ENTITY_DEATH)
is_treasure: (default = false) (deprecated: replaced by “availabilities” option) If this flag is “true”, the enchantment is treated as a treasure enchantment.
is_enchanttabled: (default = !is_treasure) (deprecated: replaced by “availabilities” option) If this flag is “true”, the enchantment can be selected by the Enchantment Table.
is_loot: (default = !is_treasure) (deprecated: replaced by “availabilities” option)
rarity: (default = “COMMON”) The flag indicating the rarity of the enchantment. Inherited from Bukkit API.
enchantment_slot_type: (default = “ALL”)
enum_item_slots: (default = a list of “MAINHAND”, “OFFHAND”, “HEAD”, “CHEST”, “LEGS”, “FEET”)
use_action_bar: (default = false) The flag indicating the use of the action bar for messaging.
apply_offhand_potion: (default = false) The flag indicating whether the potion-based enchantment effect is applied or not when the item is in the off-hand.
hidden: (default = false) If this flag is ‘true’ the name of enchant will not be displayed on the item’s lore.
toggle: (default = true) If this flag is ‘true’ you can disable/enable this enchatnment using EnchantToggle addon (
levels.commands: a list of commands to be executed for specified levels. commands are executed when the enchantment effect is activated
full_armor: (default = false) if this option is “true”, you need to have this enchant on all armor items you’re wearing.