
TokenEnchant's main public information site.

    msg: "=== &e[&aTokenEnchant Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
    msg: "/te help : display this help menu."
    msg: "/te reload : reloads config file."
    permission: "tokenenchant.reload"
    msg: "/te set <name> <amount> : sets <name> <amount> tokens."
    permission: "tokenenchant.add"
    msg: "/te add <name> <amount> [-nomulti]: adds <name> <amount> tokens."
    permission: "tokenenchant.add"
    msg: "/te pay <name> <amount> : pay <name> <amount> tokens."
    permission: ""
    msg: "/te remove <name> <amount> : removes <name> <amount> tokens from <name>."
    permission: "tokenenchant.add"
    msg: "/te [name] : displays the token balance of yourself or [name]."
    permission: "tokenenchant.balance"
    msg: "/te withdraw <amount> [drop] : withdraws the specified amount of tokens from your account."
    permission: "tokenenchant.withdraw"
    msg: "/te cheque <amount> [to-player] : withdraws the specified amount of tokens from your account and issue a check."
    permission: "tokenenchant.cheque"
    msg: "/te expexchange : exchanges the current EXP values to tokens."
    permission: "tokenenchant.expexchange"
    msg: "/te givetokens <name> <amount> : gives <name> <amount> tokens."
    permission: "tokenenchant.givetokens"
    msg: "/te enchant [name] <enchant> [level] [cost:xxx] : enchants the item <name> is holding with <enchant>."
    permission: "tokenenchant.enchant"
    msg: "/te repair [name] [free] : repairs all the enchantments of the item <name> is holding."
    permission: ""
    msg: "/te disenchant [name] <enchant> [level]: disenchant the enchantment <enchant>. If [level] is not specified, level = 1."
    permission: "tokenenchant.disenchant"
    msg: "/te refund [name] <enchant> [level]: refund <name> for the enchantment <enchant>. If [level] is not specified, level = 1."
    permission: "tokenenchant.refund"
    msg: "/te baltop : list top token balance."
    permission: "tokenenchant.baltop"
    msg: "/te giveall <amount> : give <amount> tokens to all online players."
    permission: "tokenenchant.giveall"
    msg: "/te list : lists currently registered enchantments."
    permission: "tokenenchant.list"
    msg: "/te tosql [add] : transfer userdata/*.yml to SQL database. If [add] was provided, the data from userdata/*.yml will be added."
    permission: "tokenenchant.tosql"
    msg: "/te info <enchantname> : displays the detail information of the specified enchantment."
    permission: "tokenenchant.list"
    msg: "/te customdisplay : toggle the use of custom display name for vanilla enchants."
    permission: "tokenenchant.customdisplay"

    - "token"
    - "te"

# Messages used by the plugin
  ErrorMessage: "&c [TE] : Some error occured."
    msg: "&a[TE] You currently have &b%tokens% &atokens."
    outlet: cats  #c : chat, a: actionbar, t : title, s : sub_title
  NoOthersBalance: "&c[TE] You are not allowed to check other's balance."
  NoTargetPlayer: "&a[TE] A player needs to be specified."
  PlayerOffline: "&a[TE] &e%player% &ais currently offline."
  PlayerNotFound: "&a[TE] &e%player% &awas not found."
  Balance: "&a[TE] &e%player% &acurrently has &b%tokens% &atokens."

  SetSuccess: "&a[TE] You have set &e%tokens% &atokens to &e%player%&a."
  AddSuccess: "&a[TE] You have added &e%tokens% &atokens to &e%player%&a."
  PaySuccess: "&a[TE] You have paid &e%tokens% &atokens to &e%player%&a." # or %receipient%
  Received: "&a[TE] You have received &e%tokens% &atokens from &e%sender%&a."
  Deducted: "&a[TE] &e%tokens% &atokens have been deducted."
  RemoveSuccess: "&a[TE] You have removed &e%tokens% &atokens from &e%player%&a."
  NotEnoughTokens: "&c[TE] You do not have enough tokens. You need at least %needed% tokens."
  NotEnoughTokenItems: "&c[TE] You do not have enough token items. You need at least %needed% token item(s)."
  NotEnoughExpLevels: "&c[TE] You do not have enough EXP levels. You need at least %exp_needed% EXP level(s)."
  WithdrawSuccess: "&a[TE] You have withdrawn &e%tokens% &atokens."
  ChequeIssued: "&a[TE] You have withdrawn &e%tokens% &atokens and issued a cheque."
  ChequeDeposited: "&a[TE] &e%tokens% &atokens have been deposited."
  ChequeReceived: "&a[TE] You have received a token cheque worth &e%tokens% &atokens from &e%sender%&a."
  InventoryFull: "&a[TE] Inventory is full! &e%tokens% &atokens could not be withdrawn!"
  ExchangeSuccess: "&a[TE] &e+ %tokens% &atoken(s) has been added to your account."
  NeedToHoldItem: "&c[TE] You need to hold an item to enchant."
  CannotEnchantThis: "&c[TE] You cannot enchant the item you're holding. (%reason%)"
  CannotRepairThis: "&c[TE] You cannot repair the item you're holding. (%reason%)"
    msg: "&a[TE] &e+ %addedlevel% &d%enchant% &aenchantment level. %tokens% tokens have been deducted."
    sound: LEVEL_UP
  RepairSuccess: "&a[TE] &eThe item repaired. %tokens% tokens have been deducted."
  MaxedOut: "&c[TE] Your item has already maxed out on &e%enchant% &cenchantment."
  NoPermission: "&c[TE] You don't have a permission for this!"
  NoSuchEnchant: "&c[TE-Admin] That (&e%enchant%&c) is not a valid enchant. Please specify the enchant listed in the config file."
  TokenItemsGiven: "&a[TE] &e%tokenitems% &atoken items were given to &e%player%&a."
  NoPriceSet: "&a[TE] Price is not set for this."
  CommandSuccess: "&a[TE] &e%command%&a was executed, and it cost &e%tokens% tokens."
  NoSuchCommand: "&c[TE] No such a command!"
  NeedPermission: "&a[TE] You need a permission &etokenenchant.alias.command.%command% &ato use this command &e%command%&a."
  CannotDisEnchantThis: "&c[TE] We cannot dis-enchant the item you're holding. (%reason%)"
  CannotRefundThis: "&c[TE] We cannot refund the item you're holding. (%reason%)"
  RefundSuccess: "&a[TE] &e - %refundlevel% &d%enchant% &aenchantment level. %tokens% tokens have been refunded."
  DisenchantSuccess: "&a[TE] &e - %level% &d%enchant% &aenchantment level."
  TokenBalTopHeader: "&a[TE] Token Balance Top - page:%page%/%total%-"
  TokenBalTopList: "%rank%. %name%, %balance%"
  TokenBalTopTypeMore: "&a[TE] Type &c/te baltop %next% &ato read the next page."
  OnlyOneAtTheTime: "&c[TE] Only one item can be enchanted at the time."
  CannotAddMoreEnchant: "&c[TE] You cannot add anymore than &e%max%&c custom enchantments!"
    msg: "&c[TE] You cannot use an item with enchants more than &e%max%&c."
    sound: ITEM_BREAK
    outlet: cat  #c : chat, a: actionbar, t : title
  CEListHeader: "&a[TE] Registered Custom Enchantments - page:%page%/%total%-"
  CEListList: "%name% (%version%), max:%max%, %description%"
  CEListTypeMore: "&a[TE] Type &c/te list %next% &ato read the next page."
  CannotUseTokenItem: "&c[TE] You cannot use TokenItems for crafting!"
  CustomDisplayToggle: "&a[TE] Changed the CustomEnchantDisplay to &e%state%&a."
  NoPermissionToEnchant: "&c[TE] You don't have a permission to enchant &e%enchant% &cat the level &e%level% &c!"

  Conflict: "Conflict"
  NotAllowed: "Not allowed to have the specified enchantment."
  NoRefund: "Refund is not enabled for this."
  MissedChance: "Lack of enchantment chance!"
  NoSuchEnchant: "No such enchantment."
  DoesNotHave: "It does not have it."
  MaxReached: "Maximum level reached."
  PlayerNotFound: "Player not found."
  CouldNotRemove: "Could not remove an enchantment."

# this option is introduced from v18.0.1
# this option is for the target outlet of the messages to go. Previously, they were all sent to chat.
  Title: false
  SubTitle: false
  ActionBar: false
  Chat: true

# Enchant information format
# supported placeholder:
# %enchant% :name of the enchant,
# %version% :version of the enchant,
# %alias% :alias
# %max% : max lCommandAliasesevel
# %price% : base price
# %formula% : costing formula
# %occurrence% : occurrence chance at the max level.
# %description% : Short description of the enchant.
  - "&a------------ &e%enchant% &a(&b%version%&a) ------------"
  - "&a Alias : &e%alias%"
  - "&a Max level : &e%max%"
  - "&a Base price : &e%price%"
  - "&a Cost formula: &e%formula%"
  - "&a Occurrence: &e%occurrence%"
  - "&a Rarity: &e%rarity%"
  - "&a Treasure: &e%treasure%"
  - "&a Description: &e%description%"

# Data Storage
#  MySQL:
#    host: localhost
#    port: 3306
#    user: root
#    password: yourpassword
#    database: TokenEnchant
#    tokentable: tokens

# if UseToken is true, the plugin use its own tokens, if it's false
# it uses economy thorugh Vault
UseToken: true

# if this option is true, the cost of enchant is dynamically calculated
# and displayed at where {ench_cost} is specified on the sign.
UseDynamicSignUpdate: true

# token value formatter used for %token% or %tokens% placeholder.
NumberFormat: "%,.0f"

# formating of number
BeautifyNumber: false
MaxCharLength: 4
# the followings are units of order.
  - k
  - M
  - B
  - T
  - Q
  - P
  - E
  - Z
  - Y

EnchantSign: "[&9Enchant&8]"
CostPlaceHolder: "{ench_cost}"
CostMaxPlaceHolder: "&cMaxed"
ExchangeSign: "[&9Exchange&8]"
ExchangeRate: 1
RatePlaceHolder: "{ex_rate}"
ExpExchangeSign: "[&9EXP Exch&8]"
ExpExchangeRate: 20
ExpLevel: true  # if this option is fale, totalExperience value will be used instead of an exp level.
ExpRatePlaceHolder: "{exp_rate}"
WithdrawSign: "[&9Withdraw&8]"
RepairSign: "[&9Repair&8]"
RepairBase: 1
RepairDiscount: 0.05
RepairRatePlaceHolder: "{rep_rate}"

####### Token Item
TokenItemName: "&aTokenItem"
TokenItemLore: "&bHold it in your hand and\n&bRight-Click to redeem &eTokens"
TokenItemGlow: true

# this config can be use to keep old TokenItem settings so that previously issued
# tokenitem can still be used.
    TokenItem: FIRE_CHARGE
    TokenItemName: "&aTokenItem"
    TokenItemLore: "&bHold it in your hand and\n&bRight-Click to redeem &eTokens"
    TokenItem: CLOCK
    TokenItemName: "&aTokenItem"
    TokenItemLore: "&bHold it in your hand and\n&bRight-Click to redeem &eTokens"

####### Token Cheque
TokenCheque: PAPER
TokenChequeName: "&aTokenCheque"
  - "&e%tokens% &7tokens"    # make sure the money amount is in the 1st line!
  - "&7Issued by %player%"
  - "&7Right-Click to Redeem"

# Enchantment lore prefix
EnchantmentLorePrefix: "&r&7"

# if an enchantment is disabled, the following string will be
# displayed instead of its enchantment level.
DisabledSuffix: "&7(Disabled)"

# option to force remove potion effects at the login
ForceRemovePotionAtJoin: false

# option to use WorldGuard region
# Use WorldGuard's new block-break flag, otherwise, use canBuild check instead
UseWorldGuardNewFlag: true

# If UseRomanNumeral is true, arabic number will be converted into roman numeral.
UseRomanNumeral: true
# if PureRomanNumeral is true, 1 - 3998 will be converted to RomanNumeral
PureRomanNumeral: false
MaxEnchantLevel: 100

# enchantment won't be available through the unlisted activity (except through a command)
  - LOOT

# Default enchantment chance.  This is the default chance for enchantment table to consider the enchantment.
# each custom enchant can control its own enchance chance with enchant_chance: option (0.0 < x < 1.0)
DefaultEnchantChance: 1.0

# pick one from CostFormulae.js
DefaultFormula: "linear_diff"

# if this option is true, any enchantment level which is over the configured max level
# will be capped at the max level
CapOverEnchant: true

# if this option is true, the excess enchantment level will be removed and set to the max level.
RemoveExcessEnchantLevel: true

# if this option is true, when an item does not have an enchantment but has the corresponding lore entry,
# TE will try to add the missing enchantment according to the lore entry.
AddMissingEnchant: true

# Refund related
AllowRefund: false
RefundRate: 0.8

# default values
DefaultPotionDuration: 200
DefaultPotionAmplifier: 2

# option to limit the number of custom enchants on an item.
# The number of max enchants can be specified with permission nodes.
# tokenenchant.multiple_enchants.x
# if the permission node does not exist, the default number will be applied
# tokenenchant.multiple_enchants.x : x should not exceed MaximumMaxNumberOfEnchants
# if AllowOverMaxEnchantUse is true, you can use the item which exceeds custom enchants
# but you will not be able to add more custom enchants.
ApplyMaxNumberOfEnchants: false
MaximumMaxNumberOfEnchants: 10
DefaultMaxNumberOfEnchants: 3
ExcludeVanilla: true
AllowOverMaxEnchantUse: true

# Friendly fire option
# it currently supports Factions plugin and mcMMO's party
# if FriendlyFire is set to "true", you cannot harm your faction members or mcMMO party member.
FriendlyFire_Faction: true
FriendlyFire_McMMO: true

# Prevents self damaging initiating custom effect (default : true)
# if this option is set to true, when you damage yourself effects on your armors/toos won't be activated
# (cases like ender pearling, shooting yourself.... all damages are given but and effects won't be activated)
IgnoreSelfDamage: true

########## Anvil related config #############
# if this option is true, TE will handle enchant merging via Anvil
AnvilMerge: true

# Merge mode: when two items of the same type is merged in anvil, NONE, ADD, MAX, VANILLA
MergeMode: ADD

# cap repair cost : when you using an anvil to repair/merge/rename item(s), if the
# calculated EnchantmentCost go beyond this max repair cost (40),
# you can specify to cap the cost at the specified level (<= 40);
# if this value is -1, cost won't be capped and anvil might not proceed with "Too Expensive"
RepairCostCap: 40

# if this option is true, TE will strip the custom enchants when you open the anvil.
StripCEsForAnvil: false
########## Anvil related config #############

# Command execution with token
# This format is from a plugin called Aliazes.
# default permission for each command te.command.<cmd>
# If you crate an alias "cmd:" as shown beloe, you need to give a permission
# node "tokenenchant.alias.command.cmd" to a player
#cmd:                 <-- The command.
#  price: 20          <-- The amount of toke a player needs to execute this command.
#  permission: <-- Permissions section, if this section is not defined, individual permission system will be used, e.g. "te.command.cmd"
#  - te.command.user    <-- For users, this permission should be added as default.
#  - te.command.mod     <-- For mods, this permission should be added as default. 
#  - te.command.admin   <-- For admins, this permission should be added as default.     
#  alias:               <-- Additional aliases section. 
#  - cmd2              <-- Additional aliases 1, can be as many as you want.
#  default:                   <-- Default meaning anything below will be ran for the player in all worlds.   
#  - "!te_rawmessage %p &aHello" <-- To Print this message.                                                     
#  - "@who"                   <-- Will run /who command as player.                                           
#  - "!give %p 1 32"          <-- Will run command as console to give player 32 stone.                       
#  - ">give %p 1 32"          <-- Will run command as op to give player 32 stone.
#  - if %# = 0 !te_rawmessage %p &aUse '&e/g <name&a' to check user's group.
#  - if %# = 1 >pex user %1 group list
#  world_nether:              <-- The world you wish commands below to be shown in.                          
#  - "!te_rawmessage %p &aHello, you are in the nether." <-- This message will only be seen if player is in the nether.
# example of giving slot 9 chestbackpack to a user (ChestBackpack plugin)
# backpack9:
#   permission:
#    - my.permission.for.backpack9
#   price: 30
#   default:
#     - "!pex user %p add chestbackpack.slots.9"
# # example of giving slot 18 chestbackpack to a user (ChestBackpack plugin)
# backpack18:
#   permission:
#     - my.permission.for.backpack18
#   price: 60
#   default:
#     - "!pex user %p add chestbackpack.slots.18"
# # example of allowing a player to set his prefix using PermissionsEx command.
# setprefix:
#   permission:
#     - my.permission.for.setprefix
#   price: 160
#   default:
#     - "!pex user %p prefix %1"
# letmefly:
#   permission:
#     - my.permission.for.letmefly
#   price: 160
#   default:
#     - ">fly"

# default values are listed below.  You can have LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST or MONITOR
# adjust these event priority if those event processes from this plugin
# interfere with other plugins' event processes.
  PlayerInteractEvent: "NORMAL" # for clicking air/block
  SignChangeEvent: "NORMAL" # make/edit sign
  PlayerRespawnEvent: "MONITOR"
  PlayerJoinEvent: "NORMAL"
  PlayerQuitEvent: "NORMAL"
  PlayerDropItemEvent: "HIGHEST"
  PlayerItemBreakEvent: "HIGHEST"
  PlayerItemHeldEvent: "HIGHEST"
  InventoryClickEvent: "HIGHEST"
  InventoryCloseEvent: "MONITOR"
  PlayerChangedWorldEvent: "HIGHEST"
  EnchantItemEvent: "NORMAL"
  EntityDamageByEntityEvent: "LOWEST"
  PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent: "MONITOR"
  PlayerItemHeldEvent_CheckItem: "MONITOR"
  PlayerJoinEvent_CheckItem: "MONITOR"
  InventoryClickEvent_Anvil: "HIGHEST"
  PrepareAnvilEvent: "MONITOR"
  PlayerMoveEvent: "LOWEST"
  InventoryClickEvent_StopCrafting: "MONITOR"
  PlayerInteractEvent_TokenItem: "HIGH" # interacting with TokenItem.
  TEBlockExplodeEvent: "MONITOR"
  ChunkPopulateEvent: "NORMAL"
  LootGenerateEvent: "NORMAL"

# potion effects from vanilla potion effects which do not need separate .jar files
# Haste (Bukkit name: FAST_DIGGING)
# Speed (Bukkit name: SPEED)
# Nightvision (Bukkit name: NIGHT_VISION)
# Jump (Bukkit name: JUMP)
# Regeneration (Bukkit name: REGENERATION);
# FireResistance (Bukki name: FIRE_RESISTANCE)
# DamageResist (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE
# Aqua (Bukkit name: WATER_BREATHING)
# Saturation (Bukkit name: SATURATION)
# HealthBoost (Bukkit name: HEALTH_BOOST)
# Strength (Bukkit name: INCREASE_DAMAGE)
# You can set the duration to -1 to give infinite potion effects.
# You can set the occurrence
# random: randomly occur based on the level
# always: occur always.
# % : you can set the explicit % number as the maximum occurrence chance at the highest level of enchant.
# CustomEnchant (CE) effects listed here do not have corresponding external CE modules.
    alias: "SpeedDigging"     #You can use your own name for enchant using alias.
    duration: 200
    amplifier: 2
    price: 10
    max: 10
    # You can set the occurrence
    # random: randomly occur based on the level
    # always: occur always.
    occurrence: random
    enchant_chance: 0.8
    refund_rate: -1
    price: 10
    max: 10
    # You can set the occurrence
    # random: randomly occur based on the level
    # always: occur always.
    occurrence: random
      - GOLD_BOOTS
    duration: -1
    price: 10
    max: 1
    # You can set the occurrence
    # random: randomly occur based on the level
    # always: occur always.
    occurrence: always
    duration: -1
    price: 10
    max: 10
    # You can set the occurrence
    # random: randomly occur based on the level
    # always: occur always.
    occurrence: random
    duration: -1
    price: 10
    max: 10
    # You can set the occurrence
    # random: randomly occur based on the level
    # always: occur always.
    occurrence: random
    duration: -1
    price: 10
    max: 2
    duration_multiplier: 1800
    # You can set the occurrence
    # random: randomly occur based on the level
    # always: occur always.
    occurrence: always
    duration: -1
    price: 10
    max: 1
    duration_multiplier: 1800
    occurrence: always
    duration: -1
    price: 10
    max: 3
    occurrence: always
    duration: -1
    price: 10
    max: 1
    duration: -1
    occurrence: always
    price: 10
    max: 3
    occurrence: always
    duration: -1
    price: 10
    max: 3
    duration_multiplier: 1200
    occurrence: always

# Supported Enchantment:
# Flame (ARROW_FIRE)
# Sharpness (DAMAGE_ALL)
# BaneOfArthropods (DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS)
# Depth / Depthstrider (DEPTH_STRIDER)
# Efficiency (DIG_SPEED)
# Unbreaking (DURABILITY)
# FireAspect (FIRE_ASPECT)
# Frost / FrostWalker (FROST_WALKER)
# Knockback (KNOCKBACK)
# Luck (LUCK)
# Lure (LURE)
# Mending / Repair (MENDING)
# Respiration (OXYGEN)
# FireProtection (PROTECTION_FIRE)
# Silktouch (SILK_TOUCH)
# Thorns (THORNS)
# AquaAffinity (WATER_WORKER)
# Sweeping / SweepingEdge (SWEEPING_EDGE)
# Binding / BindingCurse (BINDING_CURSE)
# Vanishing / VanishingCurse (VANISHING_CURSE)
# Loyalty (LOYALTY)
# Impaling (IMPALING)
# Riptide (RIPTIDE)
# Channeling / Channelling (CHANNELING)
# SoulSpeed (SOUL_SPEED)
# Cleaving (CLEAVING) not yet implemented.
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    merge_mode: VANILLA
    max_merge_level: 5 # this will limit the level achivable with merging enchants.
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10
    price: 10
    max: 10

# This is included from v18.7.0
# this provides the default pickup handling of TEBlockExplodeEvent
# if you have another more sophisticated pickup plugin like VKAutoPickup,
# this option should be set to false.
  process: true
  #if process is true and pickup is false, blocks will be dropped naturally.
  pickup: true

# the following option determines the interval of token balance top calculation occurs (in seconds).
BalanceTopCalculation: 60

# if this option is true, disenchant using a grindstone will yield refund of tokens.
RefundViaGrindstone: false

# this mode determines how enchantment and its level are selected by the EnchantmentTable
# 0: vanilla enchantment table behavior, 1: re-generate randomly selected enchants and pick the level based on the max level.
# 2: replace selected non-enchanttabled enchants with enchanttabled enchants.
EnchantmentTableMode: 0

# This option is included from v20.0.0
# if this option is true, a method to clear blocks in TEBlockExplodeEvent will try to use WorldEdit
UseWorldEditToClearExplosion: true

# if this option is true, enchantments, which are not supposed to be on an item will be removed.
RemoveNotAllowedEnchant: false

######################## deprecated configs #####################################
# only "token" is handled since VaultHook is provided
# Currency: token # token, money, or (exp...not supported atm)

### both UseEnchantmentTable and HideNMS are deprecated.
### if they are still present in the config, it will be used to override the contents of DafaultCEAvailabilities.
# UseEnchantmentTable has been replaced with HideFromNMS
#UseEnchantmentTable: false
# if HideFromNMS is true, custom enchants won't appear in Treasure/Villager/EnchantmentTable.
#HideFromNMS: false

### Deprecated, use DefaultFormula option and CostFormulae.js
  # Valid values are: LINEAR and EXPONENTIAL
  # If an invalid value is entered, this will reset to the default setting, which is LINEAR
  # CONSTANT:      price
  # LINEAR:      price + (level * price)
  # EXPONENTIAL: price + price * level ^ exponent
  # EXPONENTIAL2: price * 2 ^ (level - 1)
  Curve: Linear

    exponent: 1.80

### this config option is now deprecated.
# you can now specify conflicting enchants under each enchant's setting using 'conflict_with:' option.
    - Explosive
    - Excavation
    - Sphered
    - Disk
    - Tile
    - Silktouch
    - Fortune

### this config option is now deprecated
### each enchant can specify allowed_item:
# list of items players are allowed to enchant
# if you're not sure which items, you would like to apply which enchant,
# just comment out the following option so that any enchant can be applied to any item.
# This config option is now deprecated.
# you can now specify which material type you can apply the custom enchant to using 'allowed_items:' option under
# each enchant's setting.
    - Unbreaking
    - Fortune
    - Efficiency
    - Unbreaking
    - Fortune
    - Efficiency
    - Unbreaking
    - Fortune
    - Efficiency
    - Unbreaking
    - Fortune
    - Efficiency