All Classes and Interfaces
This is an abstract class to be extended in order to provide various functions for TokenEnchant.
CEHandler defines basic elements of all custom enchantments handled in TokenEnchant.
EnchantHandler is used to implement a custom enchant which will be registered with
Minecraft's Enchantment system.
ITokenEnchant provides the basic APIs which allow anyone to create
a custom enchantment.
Called when TokenEnchant's explosive-type enchatnment is initiated.
Called when an level of the specified enchantment has changed.
Called when a cuatom enchant has finished its process and wish to notify others,
which might be listening to the event.
Called when TokenEnchant's custom enchant casts a potion effect on other player.
Called when TokenEnchant's custom enchant casts a potion effect on other player.
Called when player's token value has changed.
Called when an level of the specified enchantment has changed.
Called when player's token value has changed.