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ADD - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.MergeMode
addAllowed(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method will registerAddonClass the specified material to the list of allowable items for this CE;
addAllowed(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
This method will registerAddonClass the specified material to the list of allowable items for this CE;
addConflict(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method will registerAddonClass the specified enchant name to the list of conflicting enchant of this CE;
addConflict(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
This method will registerAddonClass the specified enchant name to the list of conflicting enchant of this CE;
addEnchantments(ItemStack, Map<CEHandler, Integer>) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
Addon - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
This is an abstract class to be extended in order to provide various functions for TokenEnchant.
Addon(Plugin, Object) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
addTokens(OfflinePlayer, double) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method adds the specified amount of tokens to the specified player's current balance.
addTokens(OfflinePlayer, double, boolean) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
alias - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
allowedItems - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
applyOffHand - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
applyOffHand() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
applyOffHand() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
applyPostDisEnchant(Player, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
If the custom enchantment/potion behave needs to carry out some special procedure right after an item is dis-enchanted, you can do so in this method.
applyPostEnchant(Player, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
If the custom enchantment/potion behave needs to carry out some special procedure right after an item is enchanted, you can do so in this method.
applyPotion(Player, int, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
applyState(Player, int, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
If the custom enchantment/potion behave like a regular potion effect, you should describe what sort of effect to be applied to a player in this method.
applyState(Player, int, int) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
availabilities - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler


base - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
blockList() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns a list of blocks flagged as "to be exploded".
BLOCKS_PER_PROCESS - Static variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
A number of blocks processed at a time.
BOTH - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.PermissionMode
breakExplodedBlocks(TEBlockExplodeEvent) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
breakExplodedBlocks(List<Block>) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent


calcCooldown(CEHandler, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
calcCooldown(String, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will compute the cooldown value or the currentlevel.
calcCost(Player, CEHandler, int, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will compute the cost needed to increase the enchantment level from oldlvel to newlevel.
calcCost(Player, String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will compute the cost needed to apply the enchantment to the specified player.
calcCost(Player, String, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
calcCost(Player, String, int, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will compute the cost needed to increase the enchantment level from oldlvel to newlevel.
calcExplode(Player, TEBlockExplodeEnchant, Location, float) - Static method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TEBlockExplodeEnchant
calcOccurrence(String, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
calcOccurrence(Player, CEHandler, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
calcOccurrence(Player, String, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will compute the occurrence (chance) value or the currentlevel.
calcRepairCost(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will compute the cost needed to repair the specified item.
calcScale(double) - Static method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
calculateBalanceTop() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method initiates the calculation of balance top.
canApply(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
canApply(Player) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
canApplyPotion(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
canBreak(Player, Block) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
Returns true if the specified player is allowed to break the specified block.
canBreak(Player, Block, List<Material>) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
cancelled - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
canEnchantItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method checks whether this CE can be applied to the specified item or not.
canEnchantItem(ItemStack) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
This method checks whether this CE can be applied to the specified item or not.
canExecute(Player, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
canExplode(Player, Block) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TEBlockExplodeEnchant
canUse(Player, Enchantment) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will check whether the player can use the specified enchantment or not.
castingSound - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
castingSoundPitch - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
castingSoundVolume - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
CECommand() - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CECommand
ceCommands - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
CEHandler - Interface in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
CEHandler defines basic elements of all custom enchantments handled in TokenEnchant.
CEHandler.Availability - Enum Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
CEHandler.CECommand - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
CEHandler.CEMinMax - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
CEHandler.MergeMode - Enum Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
CEHandler.PermissionMode - Enum Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
CEMinMax() - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CEMinMax
checkCooldown(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
checkCooldown(Player, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
checkCooldown(Player, int) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
CLAIM - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent.TokenChequeEventType
cleanup() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
If the custom enchantment/potion needs to carry out any data clearning up upon unloading, you should do so in here after invoking super.cleanup()
This method will automatically be called when TokenEnchant plugin is disabled/reloaded.
cleanup() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
If the custom enchantment/potion needs to carry out any data clearning up upon unloading, you should do so in here after invoking super.cleanup()
This method will automatically be called when TokenEnchant plugin is disabled/reloaded.
clearExplodedBlocks(TEBlockExplodeEvent) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
clearExplodedBlocks(TEBlockExplodeEvent, boolean) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
clearExplodedBlocks(List<Block>) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
cmd_map - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api - package com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event - package com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
commands - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CECommand
COMMON_CMD_LEVEL - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
config - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
config - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
conflicts - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
conflictsWith(CEHandler) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
conflictsWith(CEHandler) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
conflictsWith(Enchantment) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
conflictsWith(Enchantment) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
cooldown - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
cooldownFormula - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
cooldownMsg - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
cooldowns - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
cooldown related
costFormula - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
costParams - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler


debugged(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
DEFAULT_KEY - Static variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
description - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
disableAddons() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
disenchant(Player, ItemStack, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will decrement the specified enchant from the provided item and refund corresponding tokens.
doHelp(CommandSender) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
If this custom enchantment/potion has a command, you can provide its help description in this method.
doHelp(CommandSender) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
If this custom enchantment/potion has a command, you can provide its help description in this method.
duration - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
duration_multiplier - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler


effectSound - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
effectSoundPitch - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
effectSoundVolume - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
enableAddons() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
enabled - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
enabledRegion - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
enabledWorld - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
enchant(Player, ItemStack, String, int, boolean, double, boolean) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will enchant the specified item with the specified enchantment.
ENCHANT - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.PermissionMode
ENCHANT_KEY - Static variable in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
enchantChance - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
EnchantHandler - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
EnchantHandler is used to implement a custom enchant which will be registered with Minecraft's Enchantment system.
EnchantHandler(ITokenEnchant) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
EnchantHandler(ITokenEnchant, String, FileConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
enchantment - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
ENCHANTMENT_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability
enchantmentSlotType - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
enchantTarget - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
ENTITY_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability
enumItemSlots - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
equals(Object) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
etMax - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
eventPriorityMap - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
eventPriorityMap - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
exceedsMaximumEnchantNumber(Player, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will check whether the itemstack has more enchantments than the player is permitted to have.
execCommands(Player, ItemStack, int, Location, Object...) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
execCommands(Player, ItemStack, int, Location, Object...) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
EXP - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TokenHandlerType


finalizeProcess(boolean, Player, ItemStack, int, Location, Object...) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
finalizeProcess(Player, ItemStack, int, Location, Object...) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
findTheLevelEntry(int) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
FISHING - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability
forceCMD - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
forceCustomModelData() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
forceCustomModelData() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
fullArmor - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler


getAddons() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
getAddonWithID(String) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
getAlias() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
Reads the alias name of this custom enchantment from config.yml if it's specified under "alias:", null otherwise.
getAlias() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
Reads the alias name of this custom enchantment from config.yml if it's specified under "alias:", null otherwise.
getAllowed(Player) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
A utility method to return a chat color based on whether the specified player has the permission or not.
getAllowed(Player, String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getAllowed(Permissible, String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
A utility method to return a chat color based on whether the specified player has the specified permission or not.
getAmount() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent
getBalanceTop() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method returns a list of players whose token balance is in top X.
getBalanceTop(int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method returns a list of players whose token balance is in top X.
getBase() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the base enchant level.
getBase() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the base enchant level.
getBlocksPerProcess() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns the number of exploded blocks to be processed at the time.
getCastingSound() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getCastingSound() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getCastingSoundPitch() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getCastingSoundPitch() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getCastingSoundVolume() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getCastingSoundVolume() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getCEHandler() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantEvent
Returns CEHandler object representing the specified enchantment.
getCEHandler() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantProcessedEvent
Returns CEHandler object representing the specified enchantment.
getCELevel(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
If a player is holding an item with the effect represented by the specified CEHandler, it returns the level of this enchantment.
getCELevel(Player) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
If a player is holding an item with the effect represented by the specified CEHandler, it returns the level of this enchantment.
getCELevel(Player, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the level of this enchantment on the specified item.
getCELevel(Player, ItemStack) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the level of this enchantment on the specified item.
getCELevel(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
If a player is holding an item with the effect represented by the specified CEHandler, it returns the level of this enchantment.
getCELevel(ItemStack) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
If a player is holding an item with the effect represented by the specified CEHandler, it returns the level of this enchantment.
getCELevelOnAllArmor(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
If a player is wearing an item with the effect represented by the specified CEHandler, it returns the level of this enchantment.
getCELevelOnAllArmor(Player) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
If a player is wearing an item with the effect represented by the specified CEHandler, it returns the level of this enchantment.
getCELevelOnArmor(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
If a player is wearing an item with the effect represented by the specified CEHandler, it returns the level of this enchantment.
getCELevelOnArmor(Player) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
If a player is wearing an item with the effect represented by the specified CEHandler, it returns the level of this enchantment.
getChance() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CECommand
getCommands() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CECommand
getConfig() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
getConfig() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getConfig() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getConfigInstance(Plugin, String, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getConflicts() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getConflicts() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getCooldown() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the maximum cooldown.
getCooldown() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getCooldownFormula() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the id for a function, which is defined in OccurrenceFormulae.js
getCooldownFormula() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the id for a function, which is defined in OccurrenceFormulae.js
getCostFormula() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the id for cost function, which is defined in OccurrenceFormulae.js (or CostFormulae.js, in old version)
getCostFormula() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the id for cost function, which is defined in CostFormulae.js
getCostFunc() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
getCostParams() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getCostParams() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getCustomModelData(Material) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getCustomModelData(Material) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getDefaultAvailabilities() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
getDefaultMergeMode() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
getDescription() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the description of this effect.
getDescription() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the description of this effect.
getDiff() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CEMinMax
getDisabledSuffix() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
returns the name used to display.
getDrops() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns a list of ItemStack object to be dropped.
getDrops(Block) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns a list of items which would drop by destroying this block
getDrops(Block, ItemStack) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
a list of dropped items for this type of block
getDuration() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method returns the duration of a potion effect if any.
getDuration() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
Returns the duration of this potion effect.
getDurationMultiplier() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method returns the duration multiplier of a potion effect if any.
getDurationMultiplier() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getEffectSound() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getEffectSound() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getEffectSoundPitch() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getEffectSoundPitch() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getEffectSoundVolume() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getEffectSoundVolume() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getEnchantable() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getEnchantChance() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the enchantment chance for this effect.
getEnchantChance() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the enchantment chance for this effect.
getEnchantment() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getEnchantment(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
Given a common/alias name or official name of an enchantment, it returns the instance of CEHandler object.
getEnchantment(Enchantment) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
Given a common/alias name or official name of an enchantment, it returns the instance of CEHandler object.
getEnchantmentLorePrefix() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
getEnchantments(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
getEnchantmentSlotType() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getEnchantmentSlotType() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getEnumItemSlots() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getEnumItemSlots() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getETMax() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the max enchant level for using the Enchantment Table.
getETMax() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the max enchant level for using the Enchantment Table.
getEventPriorityMap() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
This method returns the pair of evnet name and its process priority for this CE.
getEventPriorityMap() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
This method returns the pair of evnet name and its process priority for this CE.
getExemptions() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns a list of materials which are exempt from explosion.
getExpToDrop() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns the amount of Exp to be dropped.
getFriendlyName() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantProcessedEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectCastedEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectRemovedEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEReloadEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TERepairEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantProcessedEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectCastedEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectRemovedEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEReloadEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TERepairEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent
getID() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
getID(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
getInstance() - Static method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This returns the instance of TokenEnchant plugin.
getInterval() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the interval of effect increase.
getInterval() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the interval of effect increase.
getItemStack() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns an itemstack object associated with this explosion.
getItemStack() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TERepairEvent
getItemTarget() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getItemTarget() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getKey() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getKey() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getLevel() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantProcessedEvent
Returns the enchantment level
getLevel(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method checks the given string and determine whehterh it starts its this enchant's name or alias, and returns the indicated level of enchantment.
getLevel(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getLFDescription(String...) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method returns the description of this enchant in the form of String list the description will be broken up into multiple lines based on '/n'.
getLoreEntry(int, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getLoreEntry(int, boolean, String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getMax() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CEMinMax
getMaxCostRange() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getMaxFor(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
Given a common/alias name or official name of an enchantment, it returns the maximum level of enchantment one can have.
getMaxLevel() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the max enchant level.
getMaxLevel() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the max enchant level.
getMergeMax() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the max merged enchant level.
getMergeMax() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the max merged enchant level.
getMergeMode() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the merge mode.
getMergeMode() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the merge mode.
getMessage() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEReloadEvent
getMin() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CEMinMax
getMinCostRange() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getMinimumOccurrence() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the minimum chance of occurrence.
getMinimumOccurrence() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getMinmax() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CECommand
getMode() - Method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability
getName() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
Returns the simplified class name.
getName() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
Returns the name of this custom enchantment/potion.
getName() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getNewLevel() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantEvent
Returns new enchantment level
getNewTokenValue() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
Returns the new token balance.
getOccurrence() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the chance of occurrence at the max level.
getOccurrence() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the chance of occurrence at the max level.
getOccurrenceFormula() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the id for a function, which is defined in OccurrenceFormulae.js
getOccurrenceFormula() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the id for a function, which is defined in OccurrenceFormulae.js
getOfflinePlayer() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
Returns the OfflinePlayer involved in (target of) this event.
getOldAliases() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getOldAliases() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getOldLevel() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantEvent
Returns old enchantment level
getOldTokenValue() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
Returns the old token balance.
getPermissionMode() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
The use of permission node.
getPermissionMode() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
The use of permission node.
getPermissionNode() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
Given a common/alias name or official name of an enchantment, it returns the permission node of the specified PotionEffectType object.
getPermissionNode() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
Given a common/alias name or official name of an enchantment, it returns the permission node of the specified PotionEffectType object.
getPermissionNode(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getPermissionNode(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
Given a common/alias name or official name of an enchantment, it returns the permission node of the specified enchantment.
getPermittedMaxLevel(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getPlayer() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns a player who initiated this explosion.
getPlugin() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getPlugin() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getPotionEffect() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectCastedEvent
Returns the potion effect to be applied
getPotionEffect() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectRemovedEvent
Returns the potion effect to be applied
getPotionEffectType() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getPotionEffectType() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getPrice() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the base price.
getPrice() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns the base price.
getRarity() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getRarity() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getRealName(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
Given a common/alias name of an enchantment, it returns the offical name of the enchantment listed under "Potions:" section in the config.yml.
getRealName(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
Given a common/alias name of an enchantment, it returns the offical name of the enchantment listed in the config file.
getRefundRate() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the refund rate.
getRefundRate() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
It returns whether this enchant is refundable or nor
getRegion() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns the object representing the exploded region.
getRegisteredName(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getRepairAmount() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TERepairEvent
getRepairRate() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TERepairEvent
getScale() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CECommand
getScale() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns the scale of the encahntment level.
getScale() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
/** It returns the scale of the encahntment level.
getSourceType(Projectile) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getStartLevel() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getSubCommandString() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
getSupportedItems() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getTE() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
getTE() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getThrower(Entity) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getThrownItemStack(Entity) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
getTokens(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method returns the amount of tokens the specified player currently holds.
getTokensInString(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method returns the amount of tokens the specified player currently holds in the form of String.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns a name of Enchantment (from TokenEnchant) which triggered this explosion
getType() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
Returns the currency type.
getType() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent
getVersion() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
Returns the version of this custom enchantment
getVersion() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
Returns the version of this custom enchantment
getVersion() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
Returns the version of this custom enchantment
getYield() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Returns a yielding multiplier.


hasConflictWith(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method checks whether this CE conflicts with the specified enchant.
hasConflictWith(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
This method checks whether this CE conflicts with the specified enchant.
hashCode() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
hidden - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler


interval - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
invalidInRegion - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
invalidInWorld - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
InvalidTokenEnchantException - Exception Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
InvalidTokenEnchantException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.InvalidTokenEnchantException
isAlias(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
Returns true if the specified name is an alias.
isAllowed(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
A utility method to return whether the specified player has the permission or not.
isAllowed(Permissible, String) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
A utility method to return whether the specified player has the specified permission or not.
isAllowed(Permissible, String) - Static method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
A utility method to return whether the specified player has the specified permission or not.
isAvailable(CEHandler.Availability) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isAvailable(CEHandler.Availability) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
isAvailable(CEHandler.Availability) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
isBalanceTopAvailable() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method initiates the calculation of balance top.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantProcessedEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectCastedEvent
Gets the cancellation state of this event.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectRemovedEvent
Gets the cancellation state of this event.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TERepairEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent
isCursed() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isDebugged(String) - Static method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isEnabled() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
isEnchantTabled() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isExplodableBlock(Block) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TEBlockExplodeEnchant
isFishing() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isHidden() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isHidden() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
isInside(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TEBlockExplodeEnchant
isInstant() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
Returns true always.
isInstant() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.PotionHandler
isLoot() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isMyCommand(Command, String[]) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
isOldAlias(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
isRefundable() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
It returns whether this enchant is refundable or nor
isRegistered() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isRegistered() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
ISSUE - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent.TokenChequeEventType
isThrownTool(Entity) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
isTreasure() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isValid(String, Location) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
isValid(String, Location) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
Returns true if enchantment is valid at the specified location, false otherwise.
isValid(Location) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
Returns true if the specified player is allowed to use the specified enchantment at the specified location.
isValid(Location) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
Returns true if the specified player is allowed to use the specified enchantment at the specified location.
isVanilla() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
isVillagerTrade() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
ITokenEnchant - Interface in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
ITokenEnchant provides the basic APIs which allow anyone to create a custom enchantment.


KEY - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
KEY - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler


loadAddons(JavaPlugin, Object, Addon...) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
loadConfig() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
If the custom enchantment/potion needs to load any configuration informaiton from config.yml, config loading process should be written in this method.
loadConfig() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
If the custom enchantment/potion needs to load any configuration informaiton from config.yml, config loading process should be written in this method.
loadConfig(FileConfiguration) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
If the addmon module needs to load any configuration informaiton from config.yml, config loading process should be written in this method.
loadEffectSound() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
loadPlayerData(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
LOOT - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability


makeExplosion(Player, Location, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TEBlockExplodeEnchant
max - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
MAX - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.MergeMode
mergeMax - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
mergeMode - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
minmax - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CECommand
MissingDependencyException - Exception Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
MissingDependencyException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.MissingDependencyException
MONEY - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TokenHandlerType


name - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.MergeMode


occurrence - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
occurrence_min - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
occurrenceFormula - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
if your custom enchantment provides any special command, you can write your command process here.
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
if your custom enchantment provides any special command, you can write your command process here.
onDisable() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
onEnable() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
if your custom enchantment provides any special command, you can write your tab completion process here.
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
if your custom enchantment provides any special command, you can write your tab completion process here.


papi(Player, String) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
permMode - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
permNode - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
playCastingSound(Location) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
playEffectSoundPlayerOnly - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
playEffectSoundPlayerOnly() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
playEffectSoundPlayerOnly() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
playSound(Player, Location) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
playSound(Location) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
plugin - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
plugin - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
POTION_KEY - Static variable in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
potionEffectType - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
PotionHandler - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
PotionHandler(ITokenEnchant) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.PotionHandler
PotionHandler(ITokenEnchant, String, FileConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.PotionHandler
price - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler


rand - Static variable in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
A Random object, which can be used to get a random number.
rarity - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
refundRate - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
registerAddon(Addon) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
registerAddonClass(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
registerAlias(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
reloadConfig() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
remove(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
Register event name and process priority pair.
remove(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
Register event name and process priority pair.
remove(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
remove(Player) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
If the custom enchantment/potion behave like a regular potion effect, you should describe how the custom potion effects should be disabled in this method.
removeAllowed(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method will remove the specified material from the list of allowable items for this CE;
removeAllowed(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
This method will remove the specified material from the list of allowable items for this CE;
removeConflict(String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method will remove the specified enchant name from the list of conflict.
removeConflict(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
This method will remove the specified enchant name from the list of conflict.
removePotion(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
removePotion(Player, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
removeState(Player, int) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
removeState(Player, int) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
removeTokens(OfflinePlayer, double) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method subtracts the specified amount of tokens from the specified player's current balance.
removeTokensInfo(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
repair(Player, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will remove the specified enchant from the provided item and refund corresponding tokens.
repair(Player, ItemStack, double) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method will remove the specified enchant from the provided item and refund corresponding tokens.
requiredTokenEnchantVersion() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
This method returns the version string of the required TokenEnchant plugin.
requiredTokenEnchantVersion() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
This method returns the version string of the required TokenEnchant plugin.
requirFullArmor() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
requirFullArmor() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
resetCooldown(Player) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
resetCooldown(Player) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler


savePlayerData(OfflinePlayer, boolean) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
sendMessage(Player, String) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
set(String, EventPriority) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
Register event name and process priority pair.
set(String, EventPriority) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
Register event name and process priority pair.
setAmount(double) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent
setBlockPerProcess(int) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
sets the number of exploded blocks to be processed at the time.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantProcessedEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectCastedEvent
Sets the cancellation state of this event.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectRemovedEvent
Sets the cancellation state of this event.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TERepairEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent
setChance(double) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CECommand
setConfig() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
setConfig() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.PotionHandler
setCustomModelDataMap(Map<Material, Integer>) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
setCustomModelDataMap(Map<Material, Integer>) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
setDiff(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CEMinMax
setEnchantment(Enchantment) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
setForceCustomModelData(boolean) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
setForceCustomModelData(boolean) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
setItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TERepairEvent
setMax(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CEMinMax
setMaxLevel(int) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
Sets the max enchantment level.
setMin(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CEMinMax
setMinmax(CEHandler.CEMinMax) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.CECommand
setMode(int) - Method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability
setName(String) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
setNewTokenValue(double) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
Sets the new new-token balance.
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Sets the player who initiated this event.
setPotionEffectType(PotionEffectType) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
setPotionEffectType(PotionEffectType) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
setTokens(OfflinePlayer, double) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant
This method sets the specified amount of tokens to the specified player's balance.
setUseRomanNumeral(boolean) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
setYield(float) - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
Sets a specified yielding multiplier.
shouldDrop(Block) - Static method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
shouldProceed(Player, int, Location) - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
shouldRegister() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
showDescription - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
showDescription() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
showDescription() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
subCommand - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.Addon
supportedItems - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler


te - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
Represents actual TokenEnchat plugin.
TEBlockExplodeEnchant - Interface in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
TEBlockExplodeEvent - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
Called when TokenEnchant's explosive-type enchatnment is initiated.
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, String) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, String, Collection<ItemStack>) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, String, Collection<ItemStack>, int) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, String, Collection<ItemStack>, int, Object) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, ItemStack) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, ItemStack, String) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, ItemStack, List<Material>) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, ItemStack, List<Material>, String) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, ItemStack, List<Material>, String, Collection<ItemStack>) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, ItemStack, List<Material>, String, Collection<ItemStack>, int) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEBlockExplodeEvent(Player, Block, List<Block>, float, ItemStack, List<Material>, String, Collection<ItemStack>, int, Object) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEBlockExplodeEvent
TEEnchantEvent - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
Called when an level of the specified enchantment has changed.
TEEnchantEvent(Player, CEHandler, int, int) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantEvent
TEEnchantProcessedEvent - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
Called when a cuatom enchant has finished its process and wish to notify others, which might be listening to the event.
TEEnchantProcessedEvent(Player, CEHandler, int) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEEnchantProcessedEvent
TEPlayerEffectCastedEvent - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
Called when TokenEnchant's custom enchant casts a potion effect on other player.
TEPlayerEffectCastedEvent(Player, PotionEffect) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectCastedEvent
TEPlayerEffectRemovedEvent - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
Called when TokenEnchant's custom enchant casts a potion effect on other player.
TEPlayerEffectRemovedEvent(Player, PotionEffect) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEPlayerEffectRemovedEvent
TEReloadEvent - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
Called when player's token value has changed.
TEReloadEvent(String) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TEReloadEvent
TERepairEvent - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
Called when an level of the specified enchantment has changed.
TERepairEvent(Player, ItemStack, double) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TERepairEvent
TETokenChangeEvent - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
Called when player's token value has changed.
TETokenChangeEvent(OfflinePlayer, double, double, TokenHandlerType) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChangeEvent
TETokenChequeEvent - Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
TETokenChequeEvent(Player, double, TETokenChequeEvent.TokenChequeEventType) - Constructor for class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent
TETokenChequeEvent.TokenChequeEventType - Enum Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event
TOKEN - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TokenHandlerType
TOKEN_SQL - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TokenHandlerType
TokenEnchantException - Exception Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
TokenEnchantException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TokenEnchantException
TokenHandlerType - Enum Class in com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api
TREASURE - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability


USE - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.PermissionMode
useActionBar - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
useActionBar() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
This method returns true if this CE is to use the action bar for messaging.
useActionBar() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
useRomanNumeral - Variable in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
useRomanNumeral() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
useRomanNumeral() - Method in class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.EnchantHandler
useWorldEditToClearExplosion() - Method in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.ITokenEnchant


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.MergeMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.PermissionMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TokenHandlerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent.TokenChequeEventType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.MergeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.PermissionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.TokenHandlerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.event.TETokenChequeEvent.TokenChequeEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VANILLA - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.MergeMode
VILLAGER - Enum constant in enum class com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler.Availability


WILDCARD - Static variable in interface com.vk2gpz.tokenenchant.api.CEHandler
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